Time & Location
06 Aug 2020, 09:00 – 09 Aug 2020, 22:00
Poland, Poland
About the event
This course teaches you the principles of a recon mission. You will learn how to prepare and execute a recon mission in the Polish woodlands. You will learn how to use a map, prepare equipment and camouflage. In small teams you will learn how to break contact if detected, use of rifles and live ammunition and how to prepare and secure a base camp. The course is rounded off with a recon mission in a real village to put what you have learnt into action.
This course is run by an ex Special Forces Police Instructor from Colombia with vast recon experience in the Colombian jungle with the assistance of other instructors.
This course will cover:
- Concept of recon missions
- Advantages and disadvantages of small recon units
- Rifle fundamentals and operation as main recon weapon
- Team recon tactics, formation and movement
- Base camp establishment, securing parametres
- Use of camouflage, hide & detect
- Real village mission scenario training
- Protecting base camp against the hostile tactics
WEAPONS: AK, AR15 rifles on the range.
METHODS: Range exercises, theory, woods exercises
AMMUNITION: 200 x 7.62mm or .223
Location to be confirmed in January
Course costs:
To secure your place, a deposit of £150 is required and payable directly to BZ Academy:
The full cost of the course is £600 which covers all transfers, food, accommodation, tuition, weapons hire and ammunition.
Please note the first night’s accommodation will be in a hotel and the rest of the duration of the course will be spent in the woods with military NATO food provided.
Flights are not included in the cost.